The Peace Center Annual Meeting

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The Peace Center Annual Meeting
Thursday-July 9, 2020 at 7PM

The year of clear vision-2020 -truly has many of us seeing differently than we could have ever projected.  Our COVID-19 pandemic still lingers, limiting our face to face encounters and causing us to evaluate and reevaluate our casual contacts.

By now, we would have gathered in the yard of the Richardson House to elect our new slate of officers for the Board of Directors.  We would have vetted potential new board members.  In the normal cycle of things, the staff would be planning for the new school year, lining up programs, schools and Peace Educators.

Instead, we are inviting you to The Peace Center Annual meeting on line next Thursday, July 9 at 7 pm.  Please register using the link or go to The Peace Center website, so that we can send you the secure Zoom link information and you can test out Zoom prior to the moment before the meeting!

Sign on to celebrate the successes of 2019, to approve the changes in the Executive Committee as listed below, and hear the dynamic plans for The Peace Center partnering in so many areas of our community this next year!

Since we’ve had to adapt how we do things in light of COVID, we are not bringing on new board members at this time.  We extended the term by 2 weeks from a July 1st deadline to allow The Peace Center staff time after the Partnering for Peace BYOBreakfast fundraiser to breathe and coordinate the meeting.  Thank you to those who have already pledged or sent your support.

We are looking toward fall of 2020 to fill any vacancies on the Board.

And we are looking forward to our times when we can safely gather as we continue to be and build Peace.

So, you have some actions:

  • Register now for the Annual Meeting next week.
  • Review the Report of the 2020 Nominating Committee ( see Report below)
  • Support our work together at this “Partnering for Peace” donation link, and receive 1 year of membership for free!

Report of the 2020 Nominating Committee
to The Peace Center Membership

The Constitution of The Peace Center, Inc. states that the Board of Directors shall consist of Officers who serve 1 year terms, and 3 to 15 At-Large Members serving staggered 2 year terms.

The Nomination Committee has proposed a slate of 11 Members. Additional nominations may be made from the floor.

Proposed Nominees 2020

Serving 2 year terms July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2022 (Class of 2022)

(No new board members are proposed)

Nominated for Re-Election

Serving 2 year terms July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2022 (Class of 2022)

Malcolm Burgess          Delicia Hallman          Connie Keener

Raina Mehta                 Stephen Moyer             Clifford Xantus

Recognizing Members Continuing In Office

Serving until June 30, 2021 (Class of 2021)

Nikki Farrior           Raymond Mattern        Jennifer Paparsenos

Corey Tendler        Andie Weiner

Proposed Nominees for the Executive Offices

Serving July 1, 2020- June 30, 2021

President                   Stephen Moyer

Vice President            Malcolm Burgess

Secretary                   Corey Tendler

Treasurer                    Delicia Hallman

Members who have completed service

Marlene Katz